Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Analyze to Paralyze

How many of us analyze everything to death....raise your hand! How many of us must have all the facts, all the inside info, all the I's dotted, T's crossed before we can make a viable decision.....raise your hand! How many people Google, Bing, Yahoo, read the paper, read books, double check your horoscope to find out what you want to know/need to know/must know before you go forward with any decision that you perceive is "major?" Raise your hand.
Me too....except for the horoscope part.
What happened to spontaneity and impetuousness? What happened to not worrying and taking a chance? Geesh. Did I get old or did I just grow up.
Here's what I know to be true:
Sometimes it's a really good thing to be cautious. We sometimes make better decisions when they are processed with deep-rooted perception after we have pursued an avenue wrought with months of insight and forethought.
But oft-times we over-think things to death. Or, if I was to quote the movie, The Princess Bride, "not to the death, but to the pain." We scrutinize the obvious which causes personal agony. Instead of making a decision and RUNNING with it, we second guess ourselves, procrastinate and cause more aggravation and FAILURE because we don't trust our inner voice.
Here's an example. My dad is one of the most brilliant men on earth....I mean Einstein brilliant....Edison brilliant. Truly a genius. Yet, when it comes to making a decision about a car, a doctor, a golf cart, he'll take FOREVER to make a decision. What happens, more often than not, is that he knows in his mind EXACTLY what he wants. Were he to go forward with immediacy, he would make the absolutely correct decision. But he second guesses himself, procrastinates and then puts himself in a position where he's under the gun with a deadline situation. He then has undue pressure and eventually, makes his decision, all the while wondering if he's right. The amazing part (perhaps not so amazing for a genius.....) 99% of the time, in the end, he's completely satisfied because his procrastinated choice was his original brilliant thought. If he had just gone through with his original plan quickly, he would have saved himself anguish.
We do it in our businesses ALL THE TIME. Instead of just making the sales call, we research and read and talk to other people and put off picking up that 5 TON phone and making the actual call to the potential client.
We start a network marketing business and before we introduce it to our friends, family, business associates, prospective customers, we decide that we have to learn the ins/outs/ups/downs of the company we now own. If we hearken back to when we were 3, 4, 5 years old or when we brought our small children to the beach/pool, we would be stymied at the thought of sitting on the sand/edge of the pool and saying to ourselves or our children, "Let's learn the patterns of the sand and waves or the depth/symmetry of the pool and then take the Red Cross swimming lessons before we ever put a toe in the water." That's Crazy-Making behavior! If we did that to ourselves and/or our children, would we EVER find the joy of playing in the shallow end? Of tentatively walking into the ocean/lake holding the hand of someone we love and trust? Of diving into the deep end?
To build a business, we CAN'T Analyze to Paralyze ourselves. The decision has already been made. I am going to be successful in this business. Therefore, I am going to dip my big toe into the water and have fun. I'm going to enjoy this venture and stop the Analysis Paralysis. I am going to networking events, picking up that 5 ton phone, introducing myself and my business. I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE, BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, that success is coming my way. Before you know it, you're diving in the deep end, riding the waves and having fun!
You can achieve personal success, business success and satisfaction if you just dip your big toe in NOW. Eventually, you'll be up to your neck in the cool, refreshing joy of achievement with the knowledge that you beat the odds and created your own future. Today is your day. Today you will achieve something positive. Believe in you, because I sure do!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


If the above link is not opening, kindly paste above address in your address bar of explorer., it will open.

Mean while , I will try to publish it on my blog also.